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Sunday, 12 October 2008

Kanser Payudara bg semua terutamanya kaum wanita..

Barah payudara adalah ketumbuhan malignan yang terjadi daripada tindakan sel yang bermula dari bahagian payudara. Ianya berkembang melalui proses pembahagian yang melebihi kadar keperluan organ serta seterusnya menyerang organ serta tisu-tisu yang berhampiran. Sel-sel barah ini juga mampu untuk membebaskan dirinya daripada ketumbuhan asal sekaligus memasuki saluran darah serta sistem perlimpahan (Lymphatic system). Inilah juga cara serta kaedah penyakit barah payudara menyerang bahagian-bahagian organ lain para penghidapnya. Proses penjangkitan ini juga dikenali sebagai metastasis.

Apa faktor - faktor berlakunya penyakit ini?

• Faktor yang sebenarnya masih belum diketahui.
• Para penyelidik membuat kesimpulan bahawa punca utama penyakit ini ialah:
- Faktor genetik
- Faktor persekitaran
- Cara hidup
- Radiasi
- Pil perancang dan terapi hormon gantian
- Umur,bangsa,saiz tubuh
- Riwayat haid - Jumlah anak

Tanda-tanda kanser payudara

1) paras puting tidak sama.
2) Terdapat lekukan di kulit payudara.
3)Keganjilan saiz.
4) Perubahan warna.
5) Kulit kelihatan kemerah-merahan.
6) Puting tertarik ke dalam kulit (retraction).
7) Kulit seperti kulit orange.

Bila perlu melakukan Pemeriksaan Sendiri Payudara (PSP)?

  • Anda mesti melakukanya setiap bulan. Jika anda masih datang haid, PSP mestilah dilakukan di antara hari ke-7 hingga ke-10 selepas bermulanya haid anda.
  • Sekiranya jangkamasa haid anda tidak teratur atau anda sudah putus haid, PSP mesti dilakukan pada satu hari yang ditetapkan setiap bulan. Pilih hari yang mudah untuk diingati, seperti hari pertama atau terakhir pada bulan tersebut.
  • Ia boleh dilakukan sama ada dengan cara berdiri di hadapan cermin atau berbaring.

Tanda-tanda amaran

  • Benjolan di payudara atau ketiak
  • Perubahan bentuk dan saiz payudara yang luarbiasa
  • Kerutan atau lekuk yang luarbiasa pada payudara
  • Puting payudara tertarik ke dalam
  • Pendarahan atau lelahan luarbiasa dari putting payudara.

laughter is a good medicine!!!

Teacher : History is a very interesting subject. It tells you about what had happened in the past.
Student : Please teacher, I don't think I want to study history.
Teacher : Why?
Student : There is no future in it.

Mother : David, come here.
David : Yes, mum?
Mother : you really disappoint me. your results are getting worse.
David : but I will only get my report book tomorrow.
Mother : I know that. but I am going to Hong Kong tomorrow, so I am scolding you now.


1) Answer the phone on left ear.
2) DO NOT drink coffee twice a day.
3) DO NOT take pills with COOL water.
4) DO NOT have a huge meal after 5PM
5) Reduce the amount of oily food u consume
6) Drink more water in the am less at night.
7) Keep your distance from handphone CHARGERS.
8) DO NOT use handphones/earphones too long period of time.
9) BEST sleeping time from 10pm till 6am.
10) DO NOT lie down immediately after taking medicine before sleeping.
11) When the battery is down to the last bar/grid, do not answer the phone as the radiation is 1000 times.

pls tell this to u concern...

Monday, 6 October 2008


Hypertension in malay called 'darah tinggi'. It is a disease attack your heart. Most of the cause is from food. A symptom can come on and off. Symptom We prevent it by exercise and control diet. this disease can lead to other organ disease esp. heart and kidney. we can detect it by monitoring blood pressure with own monitoring gadget or check in clinic or hospital.


Discomfort in the chest caused by an inadequate supply of blood to the heart muscles.

A vessel carrying blood from the heart to various parts of the body.

Damage to the blood vessels in the brain, which may result in a stroke.

Any disease of the heart caused by coronary artery disease, although it usually refers to heart attack and angina.

Also called myocardial infarction - results from permanent damage to an area of the heart muscle. This happens when the blood supply to the area of the heart is interrupted because of narrowed or blocked blood vessels. In the majority of cases this is due to coronary artery disease.

A cramp-like pain due to ischaemia mostly in the calf and leg muscles, brought on by walking and relieved by rest.

Peripheral vascular disease refers to diseases of blood vessels outside the heart and brain. It often involves a narrowing of the vessels that carry blood to leg muscles.

A sudden loss of function in part of the brain as a result of the interruption of its blood supply by a blocked or burst artery.

'Mini-strokes' that produce stroke-like symptoms and signs which clear completely within 24 hours. Transient ischaemic attacks are strong predictors of stroke.

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